Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So my mother in law is leaving me in about a week to go back home to Wyoming... I'll be all on my own with the girls and hopefully I can do this on my own without someone else to fall back on. So I have been in this cleaning, reorganizing, purging frenzy because I still have the time to be. Plus I LOVE to purge and reorganize... I'm kind of sick like that. Well, I was reorganizing the girls hospital documents, etc. when I came upon their ultrasound pictures! And that of course got me reminiscing about my pregnancy with them and some of my memories. Since I didn't start writing stuff down about the girls until they were born I thought I better get this stuff written before I forget it myself. So here's my favorite picture from my ultrasounds (I had to go in weekly for an ultrasound since they were so squished together and a lot can change in one week with triplets) because it shows all the girls together. Baby A= Mckenna, Baby B= Madison, Baby C= Carly. I know, Mckenna looks more like a blob and kinda creepy with Carly looking straight at the camera... They were only about 14 weeks old at this point...

Some of the things I remember:

Mckenna was always so difficult to see in ultrasounds. She sat right on the bottom of her sisters, almost always head down, above my cervix so they had a hard time seeing her. She was the hardest one to tell if she had two eyes, two ears, what sex she was and on and on. She also used to get in the funniest positions. She always was wrapped up in a weird contortionist sort of way every time I saw her- feet over her head, head turned like an owl. And funny now, she is still kind of like that with her long skinny legs and arms. She likes to clasp her hands together only after is has twisted her arms up, it's hard to explain.

Madison was always on the move in ultrasounds. The nurse would look at her and she would be facing one way and they she would look at one of the others and go back to Madison a few seconds later and she would be face in the other direction. Now I understand... she doesn't stop moving now as well.

Carly always hated ultrasounds. I think she just hated being poked around which is definitely her personality now. When we do her tummy time activities she moans and groans about it now. She is also the one that I felt kicking the most. Maddy was anterior so I had padding to protect from feeling her and Mckenna just moved the least. I probably felt Carly because I preferred laying on my left side where she was so she hated to have her sisters on top of her. But when they all got kicking at the same time, it was like a rock concert going on in there. Strangest feeling I've ever felt with three babies kicking everywhere inside of me. Sometimes it's still hard to believe I had three babies growing in me...

But the best story I remember was that one week when I went in for the ultrasound, Madison was kicking Carly in the head over and over again. I thought it was pretty funny at the time (don't worry, they do have a nice embryonic sack and stuff between them) but those two already fight with each other so much now. I guess the fighting truly started from the beginning. Poor Carly, she doesn't have a sack to protect her from Maddy now...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Development notes

The girls have been really babbling a lot lately. Carly loves to say abababababbaaaa and Mckenna loves ablahblahblahblahblahhh. So funny they are close but not quite. Kyle says that Mckenna is just saying what it sounds like their mom says all the time (ha ha very funny...) Madison doesn't babble as much as the other two, too busy moving ya know. But she loves heee haaa and just a soft hhhhhhhh sounds. I think its as close to hi as she can get right now. They all like to do that rolling tongue sound and I'm always quite impressed because I can't roll my own tongue!

Mckenna is still such a sweet laid back personality. She hardly ever cries and when she does you know something really must be wrong. She is always very happy too, constantly laughing about something whether it is literally right in front of her or imaginary. She LOVES music. Whenever I sing an upbeat song with her she loves kicking her legs to the beat. So funny to watch! Maybe she will be musically inclined.

Madison, I have already talked a lot about. She is definitely an extremely determined personality. I think she might be the most shy socially of the group but is starting to smile at you more. She is starting to learn how to throw a fit as well. When she doesn't like something she flails her body on the ground and screams. I'm not looking forward to this. But Madison loves to be part of the action and loves when a lot of stuff is going at once.

Carly is our little teddy bear. She loves to just snuggle and snuggle and snuggle some more (I should say Mckenna loves snuggling too). She is very social and loves to just jabber away with you but mostly just smile and flirt. She definitely has the most emotions rolling through her. She also can throw quite the fit when she wants to but usually it's just cause she's hungry.... she's always hungry. I think she will be quite easy to tease- I feel her pain. I'm an easy target as well.

I love that they have such different little personalities and I think they will all have their own strengths and weaknesses to offer each other as sisters.

Right now Madison is trying to pull the printed pattern off of a rug and getting so mad so I better go! Don't get too excited about the picture below, she (Madison) held her bottle for the first time a couple days ago and I was so excited and took a picture but the phenomenon hasn't happened again since. Wishful thinking...

I never rest! Which means Mom never rests either!

Not to focus only on Madison but she is the mobile one right now so I get much more interesting pictures with her than the others at this time. But interesting pictures usually means curiosity and trouble. I was never one to really want any of them to start moving fast so wouldn't you know I would get one that has been wanting to move from day one. I guess I can only hold off the inevitable for so long. Maddy now travels far and wide through our house. We have started closing off rooms- mainly bathrooms and breakable rooms. Of course, she loves anything adult: especially shoes, electronics, rugs, sunlight (quite entertaining to watch her try and grab it). All I know is I felt like I got a breather for a month or two when they started sleeping through the night and now I feel tired again. And this is only the first one. The bad news is Carly has now started to discover the edge of the rug and I remember that was about when Madison started to figure out she could scoot around. Great....
Maddy on the move, loves to go into the kitchen.

Girl just like mom, LOVES shoes!

And has to have one in each hand...

She finds crawling over top of her sisters quite fun and challenging. Good thing they usually don't mind, even Carly...

And today I have finally been forced into the decision that the play pen needs to be lowered. Madison doesn't take naps well in the room with her sisters so she sleeps here during the day. I didn't get the picture at the worst but at one point she was standing looking over the edge. So it's lowered now... wow, that happened fast...

Look how proud she is that she can see over her bed. Silly girl...

10 months old!

The girls are getting so old! Tomorrow they get weighed so I don't know where they are at right now. I'm sure Carly will be at least 18 lbs., Mckenna I hope is at least over 15 lbs. and Madison somewhere in the middle. We love them so much! Something funny we have discovered, with Madison being so much more mobile she has started to crawl around and take everyone's toys, even if she has the same toy in her own hands. We kind of have always thought of Mckenna as the sensitive fragile one but always noticed that Madison would take away Carly's toy and rarely Mckenna's. So the other day she made an attempt at taking Mckenna's toy. Mckenna has always had a death grip on her toys and so when Madison came to take it Mckenna fought back and held on. It became a tug of war back and forth and Maddy started to get mad that Kenners wouldn't give it up. Anyway, I love it. Mckenna knows how to hold her own against wild Madison. I guess she really is the oldest-the alpha. And Carly definitely is already easy to pick on for her sisters. She gets her feelings hurt easily. Oh the drama...


Madison- always in blur these days...

L to R: Madison, Mckenna, Carly. Apparently Mckenna was the only one happy about this picture! Ha ha!

L to R: Madison, Mckenna, Carly- Once again, trying to get things focused on all and Madison ended up in blur.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Carly's Teeth

I finally have apicture of Carly's teeth! She's had them for well over a month now. No hints or signs of teeth for Mckenna yet...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March is here!

So Grandma has been begging for pictures so here we go! I also got some video taken (finally) and that will be up next. Girls are doing great! Starting to get a lot more mobile...well, at least Madison. She is all over the house now in her scooting/shuffle thing. I'm sure the others will be right behind her in a couple of months. Carly has really done well with rolling over. I was worried about how she would do because of her arm but so far, it doesn't seem to bug her at all and she spends most of her time on her belly with a toy now. She gets really mad because Madison likes to crawl up to her and take it away. Oh, the sibling fighting begins! They are also very into touching faces right now, even each others. They are really intrigued by each others eyes and mouths so we have to watch them or they are poking and biting each other. It's very interesting to watch them all learn things together.

Madison- love the smile, it's very hard to capture it on camera sometimes...

Sitting together... look at Mckenna put her head on Carly's shoulder. L to R: Mckenna, Carly, Madison

Valentine's Flowers

This is a little late but Kyle gave me flowers for Valentines and they dried (in the vase) so pretty I thought, so I took a picture.