Mckenna was always so difficult to see in ultrasounds. She sat right on the bottom of her sisters, almost always head down, above my cervix so they had a hard time seeing her. She was the hardest one to tell if she had two eyes, two ears, what sex she was and on and on. She also used to get in the funniest positions. She always was wrapped up in a weird contortionist sort of way every time I saw her- feet over her head, head turned like an owl. And funny now, she is still kind of like that with her long skinny legs and arms. She likes to clasp her hands together only after is has twisted her arms up, it's hard to explain.
Madison was always on the move in ultrasounds. The nurse would look at her and she would be facing one way and they she would look at one of the others and go back to Madison a few seconds later and she would be face in the other direction. Now I understand... she doesn't stop moving now as well.
Carly always hated ultrasounds. I think she just hated being poked around which is definitely her personality now. When we do her tummy time activities she moans and groans about it now. She is also the one that I felt kicking the most. Maddy was anterior so I had padding to protect from feeling her and Mckenna just moved the least. I probably felt Carly because I preferred laying on my left side where she was so she hated to have her sisters on top of her. But when they all got kicking at the same time, it was like a rock concert going on in there. Strangest feeling I've ever felt with three babies kicking everywhere inside of me. Sometimes it's still hard to believe I had three babies growing in me...
But the best story I remember was that one week when I went in for the ultrasound, Madison was kicking Carly in the head over and over again. I thought it was pretty funny at the time (don't worry, they do have a nice embryonic sack and stuff between them) but those two already fight with each other so much now. I guess the fighting truly started from the beginning. Poor Carly, she doesn't have a sack to protect her from Maddy now...