Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Merry Christmas and New Years!
Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful, quiet (for three babies) Christmas. It was lovely to not worry about doctor's, nurse, therapist appointments and just relax and enjoy the babies with Kyle. Here are a couple pictures of our Christmas. The girls got quite the haul. Spoiled... Kyle and I got a family present of a new camera! I am so excited because I can hopefully start taking better pictures. They even gave me a couple classes to take with it so hopefully I can figure out what I'm doing and get better at taking pictures. It's a Pentax KX for anyone who cares... I'm sure I'm the only one really excited about it. I put some pictures below of the girls separately while messing around trying to figure it out. Kyle was also pretty excited to get some more episodes of Seinfeld...and Florence chocolates. I think he has a second stomach for sugar. And I received some gift cards, or as Kyle says, the gift of shopping-which I love very much. But most important we are so grateful for the best gifts we could ever receive this year- three babies that are quite healthy. It means more than all the other gifts put together!
Girls: L to R: Madison, Carly (loved her stuffed turtle), and Mckenna with their Christmas loot
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wedding Weekend!
So Kyle and I finally got a small (3 day) break from the girls this past weekend. My brother Mark got married on Friday to lovely Ashley and we agonized over whether to take the girls or not. In the end, our fear of them getting sick (and would get tired and cranky through the trip) outweighed our desire for everyone to see them, so we left them home with Grandma Morrell and her sister Aunt Sharon. Thank you so much to them for allowing us peace of mind to leave and enjoy ourselves and not worry that they were in good hands.
Mark and Ashley got married in the Rexburg Temple and had a luncheon and reception in Rigby where she is from. I do love weddings...I'm way too much of a romantic. It always makes me reflect back on my happy wedding day. It was all very fun just to be with my family for a little bit since we are staying in Boise with the girls for Christmas this year. Kyle's mom, who has been staying with us for a couple of months, will be going over to her daughters (Kyle's sister) for Christmas for a few days and then coming back. So we are going to enjoy our quiet little family Christmas (although much larger family this year). I don't plan on leaving the house for days over the holiday. I guess I do that already....
Below is a picture of Mark and Ashley at the reception. Nicole, I cheated and copied this picture from you. I was a doofus and forgot to bring my camera to take pictures myself. So thanks for letting me borrow from you!
The girls got Christmas pajamas from Grandma Morrell a few weeks back and so we took a picture of our little Christmas presents this year. Just so you know, Madison only smiles that big right now for dad (she was looking at dad when the picture was taken). She LOVES her daddy. Apparently we have discovered who's the daddy's girl. And Kyle said that Carly is a mommy's girl. She is always looking for me and wanting to be held by me. Mckenna isn't partial to anyone, she loves all. Although she loves to laugh with Grandma! L to R: Carly, Madison, Mckenna
Mark and Ashley got married in the Rexburg Temple and had a luncheon and reception in Rigby where she is from. I do love weddings...I'm way too much of a romantic. It always makes me reflect back on my happy wedding day. It was all very fun just to be with my family for a little bit since we are staying in Boise with the girls for Christmas this year. Kyle's mom, who has been staying with us for a couple of months, will be going over to her daughters (Kyle's sister) for Christmas for a few days and then coming back. So we are going to enjoy our quiet little family Christmas (although much larger family this year). I don't plan on leaving the house for days over the holiday. I guess I do that already....
Below is a picture of Mark and Ashley at the reception. Nicole, I cheated and copied this picture from you. I was a doofus and forgot to bring my camera to take pictures myself. So thanks for letting me borrow from you!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
7 months old!
Weren't they just 6 months old yesterday? For that matter, weren't they just born yesterday? The girls are 7 months old! Nothing really new to report so here are pictures. Carly's picture is specifically for Grandpa. The others were take back in mid October but we wanted to put up our family picture for the holidays!
Carly learning a new nosie.

Friday, December 4, 2009
A little bit of video
Some videos of Carly smiling....
and Madison rolling....
and Mckenna talking....
Thursday, December 3, 2009
We're eating turkey!... okay, maybe just rice cereal & apples
So I tried to load a video of the girls chatting but it didn't work for some reason. So I'll try a video later at some point. But, exciting news! Since we got to have Turkey day last week we decided that it was time to start trying solids! So we pulled out all the booster seats (pretty much took up all of our seats from our dining table) and set up and started our trial. They did quite well. I was expecting nothing to end up in their mouths and all over their outfits but so far they have ingested most of their food so I am pretty thrilled with that. They seem to really like the food, they make the funny faces and all but in the end they swallow the food. I will say it is a ridiculous amount of work. It makes me tempted just to go back to bottles only because I know (and they know) how to whip out a bottle feeding in no time. Eating solids takes a lot longer. Well, hopefully they start eating faster and I will be happy that they aren't only on bottles!
They were doing pretty good at sleeping from 10 pm until around 5-6 am but then last week they reverted back to the 2-3 am... so that was exciting... But hopefully the solids will help them keep sleeping longer. The difficult thing is that when one makes noises in the middle of the night, it wakes one of the others, they start making noises, it wakes another, you get the point. Unless I sprint from my bed as soon as I start hearing peeps, I've missed my window. And I don't know about you, but I struggle moving really fast coming out of dead sleep. I'm getting better at it though, for fear of being up for an hour or so trying to get babies back asleep.
The only new news we have is that Carly will not be going to San Francisco anymore for her arm. We had issues using that clinic, so instead, we are going to the other vascular specialty clinic in the U.S. which is in Boston! I know it's a lot farther but it's located next to Harvard and maybe we can do a little bit of sightseeing while we are there since there is a lot of our country's history there. Of course, we probably won't have any time for that, who knows... We are still trying to get dates nailed down but this clinic tries to get everything done (tests, surgery, etc) in the same week so we will be there for awhile but hopefully we won't have to go back. I just really want to get it over with so Carly can be over the pain she will have and be recovering and healing and moving on with her life!
The girls just keep on growing! They were weighed today and they are: Mckenna- 12 lbs. 11 oz. and 24 1/2 inches long, Madison- 13 lbs. 10 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long, and Carly- 13 lbs. 13 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long.
All lined up for the feed! L to R: Madison, Mckenna, Carly
Different view and look how excited Mckenna looks for her food! L to R: Madison, Mckenna, Carly
They were doing pretty good at sleeping from 10 pm until around 5-6 am but then last week they reverted back to the 2-3 am... so that was exciting... But hopefully the solids will help them keep sleeping longer. The difficult thing is that when one makes noises in the middle of the night, it wakes one of the others, they start making noises, it wakes another, you get the point. Unless I sprint from my bed as soon as I start hearing peeps, I've missed my window. And I don't know about you, but I struggle moving really fast coming out of dead sleep. I'm getting better at it though, for fear of being up for an hour or so trying to get babies back asleep.
The only new news we have is that Carly will not be going to San Francisco anymore for her arm. We had issues using that clinic, so instead, we are going to the other vascular specialty clinic in the U.S. which is in Boston! I know it's a lot farther but it's located next to Harvard and maybe we can do a little bit of sightseeing while we are there since there is a lot of our country's history there. Of course, we probably won't have any time for that, who knows... We are still trying to get dates nailed down but this clinic tries to get everything done (tests, surgery, etc) in the same week so we will be there for awhile but hopefully we won't have to go back. I just really want to get it over with so Carly can be over the pain she will have and be recovering and healing and moving on with her life!
The girls just keep on growing! They were weighed today and they are: Mckenna- 12 lbs. 11 oz. and 24 1/2 inches long, Madison- 13 lbs. 10 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long, and Carly- 13 lbs. 13 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
One more picture...
I wasn't too thrilled with the last picture of Mckenna posted and so I had to get another one. This is the face she makes when she is jabbering away. I went in to pick her up out of her crib the other day and she was so happy so I had to get another picture. Pretty cute huh? I guess I'm quite biased though...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
6 Months Old!
Last week on the 11th the girls turned 6 months old. And what a six months it has been. They have started to sleep longer through the night. Usually we feed at 10 and the earliest they have been waking up is 4 am and sometimes they go all the way until six! Those are good nights! It's a little difficult with three because if one cries out in the night and we don't get to them fast enough, the others are awake and.... I'm sure you get the point.
But they are all doing so great. No one has to read all of this, I am just journaling stuff for them. I do kind of go on and on..... We did find out that Carly does have an AVM (arterial venous malformation) which is pretty much a very enlarged blood vessel running down the arm. It carries more than twice the amount of blood a normal baby arm blood vessel would because she has developed extra capillaries, tissues, etc in the right arm so it has too feed all of it. So we are going to San Francisco right before Christmas with her to a specialized clinic for atery malformations and try and figure out the treatments needed. Most likely they will do what they call embelization, which means they go in and plug up all the extra capillaries, vessels, etc. not needed and they should clot up and kind of go away so that the big main vessel doesn't have to supply blood to them. In return, the big vessel should shrink in size as well as all the tissue. Sounds simple, but I guess it's a scary procedure with fear of clotting off a vessel that is really needed to help the arm work. Anyway, I'm sure with a lot of faith and prayers, we will get through it and she will be able to move on from this. I'm not super excited to take a premature baby onto a plane right now (and leave the other two at home) but.... such is life. It could be worse right?
But they are starting to smile (and laugh a little) and really like to talk, especially to each other or mom and dad. Carly is Miss Social; in fact, we have a hard time getting her to sleep during the day because she just wants to play and talk all day long! She loves to smile and is a happy baby except for when she gets tired or hungry. She is not patient at all for feeding time and so never has to be the one to wait her turn to feed. She always eats first because she gets herself worked up in more of a lather than the others if she has to wait for a sister to finish eating.
Madison is still go, go, go. I think I'm going to have to watch her very closely when they can walk and run because she could be a long ways down the road before I'd notice she is gone. She also loves to smile, especially when she is roughed up a little. It sounds crazy but I am a little rougher with her because she loves it! The more excitement, the better. She is rolling over from belly to back (has been doing that for a couple months now) but now she is rolling from back to almost belly. She can't figure out how to get that arm out of the way, and it makes her so mad. Unfortunately, she also loves when the TV comes on. The reason she started learning to roll was so she could get in a position to see the TV... even when it wasn't on. Rotten little girl! I think she just enjoys stimulation and even though she likes her sisters she doesn't get quite enough out of them like she wants. They'd have to be dancing around her for her to be mesmerized.
Mckenna is doing well. She is really the easiest baby and thank heavens for letting me have one of them right? She is so happy.... all the time. She does do her fake cry and loves to stick out that bottom lip, but she usually only does it when her sisters are crying. She's very compassionate. We thought she would be the quietest talker (cooer) but she is so loud when she is jabbering away! So, even though Carly is so social, maybe Mckenna we'll have more to say. She just went to her follow up appointment with the neuro surgeon and she is doing so well which is so great to hear!
We are so excited that they are six months (three months adjusted age) and I'm hoping that they are holding their bottles soon. Just kidding! Only in my dreams....
The Girls: L to R: Mckenna, Madison, Carly
But they are all doing so great. No one has to read all of this, I am just journaling stuff for them. I do kind of go on and on..... We did find out that Carly does have an AVM (arterial venous malformation) which is pretty much a very enlarged blood vessel running down the arm. It carries more than twice the amount of blood a normal baby arm blood vessel would because she has developed extra capillaries, tissues, etc in the right arm so it has too feed all of it. So we are going to San Francisco right before Christmas with her to a specialized clinic for atery malformations and try and figure out the treatments needed. Most likely they will do what they call embelization, which means they go in and plug up all the extra capillaries, vessels, etc. not needed and they should clot up and kind of go away so that the big main vessel doesn't have to supply blood to them. In return, the big vessel should shrink in size as well as all the tissue. Sounds simple, but I guess it's a scary procedure with fear of clotting off a vessel that is really needed to help the arm work. Anyway, I'm sure with a lot of faith and prayers, we will get through it and she will be able to move on from this. I'm not super excited to take a premature baby onto a plane right now (and leave the other two at home) but.... such is life. It could be worse right?
But they are starting to smile (and laugh a little) and really like to talk, especially to each other or mom and dad. Carly is Miss Social; in fact, we have a hard time getting her to sleep during the day because she just wants to play and talk all day long! She loves to smile and is a happy baby except for when she gets tired or hungry. She is not patient at all for feeding time and so never has to be the one to wait her turn to feed. She always eats first because she gets herself worked up in more of a lather than the others if she has to wait for a sister to finish eating.
Madison is still go, go, go. I think I'm going to have to watch her very closely when they can walk and run because she could be a long ways down the road before I'd notice she is gone. She also loves to smile, especially when she is roughed up a little. It sounds crazy but I am a little rougher with her because she loves it! The more excitement, the better. She is rolling over from belly to back (has been doing that for a couple months now) but now she is rolling from back to almost belly. She can't figure out how to get that arm out of the way, and it makes her so mad. Unfortunately, she also loves when the TV comes on. The reason she started learning to roll was so she could get in a position to see the TV... even when it wasn't on. Rotten little girl! I think she just enjoys stimulation and even though she likes her sisters she doesn't get quite enough out of them like she wants. They'd have to be dancing around her for her to be mesmerized.
Mckenna is doing well. She is really the easiest baby and thank heavens for letting me have one of them right? She is so happy.... all the time. She does do her fake cry and loves to stick out that bottom lip, but she usually only does it when her sisters are crying. She's very compassionate. We thought she would be the quietest talker (cooer) but she is so loud when she is jabbering away! So, even though Carly is so social, maybe Mckenna we'll have more to say. She just went to her follow up appointment with the neuro surgeon and she is doing so well which is so great to hear!
We are so excited that they are six months (three months adjusted age) and I'm hoping that they are holding their bottles soon. Just kidding! Only in my dreams....

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Halloween!.... it's a jungle here!
I had major internet issues this week, but we have a new service and I can finally post the pictures of the girls. Due to sickness, preemies, etc we didn't take the girls out for All Hallows Eve but I found these outfits for such a good price I had to dress them up for at least a picture! We took these pictures a few weeks ago when my dad and brother (and his fiance) came to see my mom and the girls. We decided a jungle theme was appropriate since it seems like a jungle everyday at my house! They were actually very tired on Halloween and after we put them down to sleep at 10 pm, Mckenna woke up at 4:30 am and the other two didn't wake up until 6 am! It was a Halloween miracle! Unfortunately, it was a one night deal and they are back to their 2:30 to 3 am schedule again. Someday I will get a full nights rest. I was sick with the flu last week (the girls have stayed healthy) and its no fun to have no energy and try and take care of three babies. So I'm so happy to be feeling 100% again.
My mom (Grandma Pendleton) sadly has taken her leave this week to go back to Wyoming. She has been here for 3 months helping me. I definitely was sad to see her leave, she has been such a major help... I can't even explain how much she has done for Kyle and I and babes. I know she misses them but I think she's pretty happy to get her rest again and to be with my dad again. My mother in law (Grandma Morrell) will be coming on Saturday to take the next 3 or so months shift. Hopefully, by that time, I will be able to manage quite easily. Being alone this week has helped me realize I can do it alone but I'm running on fumes and would love to keep getting grandma help!
Nothing else new with the girls except they are all starting to smile and interact more. Carly and Madison are both 12 lbs. 12 1/2 oz. and Mckenna is 12 lbs. even. We also took family pictures so I will have to post some in the next few days. Happy Halloween!
L to R: Carly (Giraffe), Madison (Tiger- perfect for her), and Mckenna (Zebra).
My mom (Grandma Pendleton) sadly has taken her leave this week to go back to Wyoming. She has been here for 3 months helping me. I definitely was sad to see her leave, she has been such a major help... I can't even explain how much she has done for Kyle and I and babes. I know she misses them but I think she's pretty happy to get her rest again and to be with my dad again. My mother in law (Grandma Morrell) will be coming on Saturday to take the next 3 or so months shift. Hopefully, by that time, I will be able to manage quite easily. Being alone this week has helped me realize I can do it alone but I'm running on fumes and would love to keep getting grandma help!
Nothing else new with the girls except they are all starting to smile and interact more. Carly and Madison are both 12 lbs. 12 1/2 oz. and Mckenna is 12 lbs. even. We also took family pictures so I will have to post some in the next few days. Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
3 Ballerinas!
We took family pictures, etc. last weekend and wanted to post a few. Family pictures will be posted around Christmas time. The girls are growing like little weeds. All are smiling now and starting to talk (coo). They just get more and more fun to interact with.
The only new information is that Carly went to see the hematologist. I really had no idea what I was talking about in the last post. I had said that arterial venous malformation and hemangiomas were the same thing. Completely two different things.... They are still doing studies; I guess Carly's kind of a stumper. She has symptoms of both the arterial venous malformation (AVM) and a hemangioma depending on the test they are doing. They know it's probably one or the other so they have sent information (MRI, etc) to a specialty clinic to see what they recommend. If it's an AVM (enlarged blood vessels the size of an adult in a small baby) then they would surgically go in and remove blood vessels and somehow trace a new blood flow into smaller vessels. I still don't understand all implied with this route. If it's a hemangioma, they will treat it with steroids and it should shrink. So, once again, we are waiting. We are also putting off going to the dermatologist in SLC until sometime in the spring (or until the get the underlying stuff in her arm taken care of). Thank you to those offering a place to stay! But she is doing great and is quite the little charmer. She loves smiling at everyone, including strangers. Very friendly little girl.
Nothing else really new with the others. Madison has mellowed out a bit since her wild newborn days. She does still have ridiculous, exhausting amounts of energy but I think she is finally learning how to self soothe like the others are doing. And Mckenna is still as sweet as can be. Although she is finally starting to get a little louder in her crying and demands. I think it's good, they will probably all be loud to be heard above each other. They are still eating and sleeping about the same. Unfortunately still going through a ridiculous amount of diapers (25-30 a day) but that's the life of triplets I guess! Kyle and I figure and some day we will be able to sleep through the night, maybe in 18 years! Enjoy the pictures!
Here's the two best of the pictures we took. These girls are exhausting when it comes to picture taking....
L to R: Madison, Carly, Mckenna
The only new information is that Carly went to see the hematologist. I really had no idea what I was talking about in the last post. I had said that arterial venous malformation and hemangiomas were the same thing. Completely two different things.... They are still doing studies; I guess Carly's kind of a stumper. She has symptoms of both the arterial venous malformation (AVM) and a hemangioma depending on the test they are doing. They know it's probably one or the other so they have sent information (MRI, etc) to a specialty clinic to see what they recommend. If it's an AVM (enlarged blood vessels the size of an adult in a small baby) then they would surgically go in and remove blood vessels and somehow trace a new blood flow into smaller vessels. I still don't understand all implied with this route. If it's a hemangioma, they will treat it with steroids and it should shrink. So, once again, we are waiting. We are also putting off going to the dermatologist in SLC until sometime in the spring (or until the get the underlying stuff in her arm taken care of). Thank you to those offering a place to stay! But she is doing great and is quite the little charmer. She loves smiling at everyone, including strangers. Very friendly little girl.
Nothing else really new with the others. Madison has mellowed out a bit since her wild newborn days. She does still have ridiculous, exhausting amounts of energy but I think she is finally learning how to self soothe like the others are doing. And Mckenna is still as sweet as can be. Although she is finally starting to get a little louder in her crying and demands. I think it's good, they will probably all be loud to be heard above each other. They are still eating and sleeping about the same. Unfortunately still going through a ridiculous amount of diapers (25-30 a day) but that's the life of triplets I guess! Kyle and I figure and some day we will be able to sleep through the night, maybe in 18 years! Enjoy the pictures!
Here's the two best of the pictures we took. These girls are exhausting when it comes to picture taking....
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
5 months old!
Well, it has taken me about two weeks to get this blog posted! These babies are busy! It's amazing how much can change with them in a month. They are smiling now and even more awake during the day than they used to be. All are doing so well. We just went to our last eye doctor appointment (they go every other week) for Carly and Madison. Mckenna will go again in two weeks but then should be done as well. They do have to do a three month follow up to the eye doctor in January but that is a whole lot better than every other week.
Carly is going to a hematologist next week to see what the next process is for her arm. They will starting with injecting some sort of medication that will kill off the extra capillaries and hopefully shrink down the size of her arm. They believe she does have a certain type of hemangioma and they called it arterial venous malformation. They still don't know until they get rid of the masses (one at her wrist and one above the elbow) if her ulna bone (one of two long bones in the forearm ) is missing or just shortened due to the hemangioma. I guess we will just slowly find out information as we go. She also has an appointment with a pediatric dermatologist in Salt Lake at the end of October to start working on her port wine stain (caused from the hemangioma). We might go or might have to postpone if the hematologist says that we don't need to take care of that yet. Anyway, poor Carly will have a lot of appointments for awhile.
The are continuing to grow at a perfect rate. They were weighed last Thursday and Mckenna was 10 lbs. 10 1/2 oz., Madison 11 lbs. 13 1/2 oz., and Carly was 11 lbs. 14 oz. They are definitely feeling heavier when we have to lug three car seats around to doctor's appointments. I guess it just means that my arms will get stronger.
Below are a few pictures of the girls taken about two weeks ago. We have cut Mckenna's hair since this (just trimmed the top cause it was out of control). I don't like the straggly hair thing so I'd rather have it short and thicker until it's thick enough to start growing long. Oh, that seems like so many miles down the road from now....
Girls having social time together. L to R: Madison, Mckenna, Carly
Carly is going to a hematologist next week to see what the next process is for her arm. They will starting with injecting some sort of medication that will kill off the extra capillaries and hopefully shrink down the size of her arm. They believe she does have a certain type of hemangioma and they called it arterial venous malformation. They still don't know until they get rid of the masses (one at her wrist and one above the elbow) if her ulna bone (one of two long bones in the forearm ) is missing or just shortened due to the hemangioma. I guess we will just slowly find out information as we go. She also has an appointment with a pediatric dermatologist in Salt Lake at the end of October to start working on her port wine stain (caused from the hemangioma). We might go or might have to postpone if the hematologist says that we don't need to take care of that yet. Anyway, poor Carly will have a lot of appointments for awhile.
The are continuing to grow at a perfect rate. They were weighed last Thursday and Mckenna was 10 lbs. 10 1/2 oz., Madison 11 lbs. 13 1/2 oz., and Carly was 11 lbs. 14 oz. They are definitely feeling heavier when we have to lug three car seats around to doctor's appointments. I guess it just means that my arms will get stronger.
Below are a few pictures of the girls taken about two weeks ago. We have cut Mckenna's hair since this (just trimmed the top cause it was out of control). I don't like the straggly hair thing so I'd rather have it short and thicker until it's thick enough to start growing long. Oh, that seems like so many miles down the road from now....

Friday, September 18, 2009
4 months old and blessing day!
So I am WAY behind on this blog. I was looking at these pictures and thinking, they look bigger than this now! But, I guess I have an excuse. The days just kind of run away from you. So I wrote 4 months but technically they are going to be 4 1/2 months old next Tuesday! They are all doing so well. They have gotten gigantic (compared to where they came from). The nurses say that they don't have a problem with thriving (gaining weight and growing) which is a relief. As of yesterday, Mckenna weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz (pretty much 9 lbs), Madison was 10 lbs. 2 oz., and Carly was 10 lbs. 3 oz. I think last time I wrote they were in the eights or something.
Carly had an MRI done on her arm on Wednesday to start looking to see what needs to be done to help clear out the vascular mass she has in her arm. We meet with the orthopedic surgeon next Wednesday to see what he says we need to do moving forward.
They are all developing right about where they are supposed according to adjusted ages(although we are still working on less messy eating). They do tummy time everyday and sometimes they scream and hate it and sometimes they love it. Madison even rolled over (twice) from her belly to her back. I'm afraid I need to get in better shape for when she gets older and takes off on a dead run and I have to go and chase her down. They are all sleeping better and better each week. It took a lot of work but I think we have them all eating on the same schedule and so we only have to get up twice to feed them in the middle of the night. They still have off nights (usually a different one each time) in the night and require a little extra help to go to sleepy land. I think they are finally getting used to and adjusting to home. Madison might be the hardest baby of the three. She really likes to cry but once I can get her in a tight enough swaddle and with her pacifier in, she can usually calm down and go to sleep. Carly, recently, has become a little tougher to get to sleep than Madison plus Carly is not too interested in her pacifier anymore (great) so we also hear a lot of crying from Carly. And when they all get going (crying) it is quite the chorus. I can see why moms go crazy.... Mckenna is such a mild baby. She does cry, but not very much compared to the others and there is usually a reason for it (dirty diaper, a burp, etc.)
We blessed the girls on the 5th of September and I meant to post this then but.... anyway.... They looked so sweet, like little angels in their dresses and they kept clean diapers the whole time. As you can see, Mckenna slept through most of it but the other two were awake the entire time. Kyle gave them beautiful blessings and it was so nice to be able to have that experience of seeing three babies of our own blessed at the same time.
Mckenna- Blessing Day
Carly had an MRI done on her arm on Wednesday to start looking to see what needs to be done to help clear out the vascular mass she has in her arm. We meet with the orthopedic surgeon next Wednesday to see what he says we need to do moving forward.
They are all developing right about where they are supposed according to adjusted ages(although we are still working on less messy eating). They do tummy time everyday and sometimes they scream and hate it and sometimes they love it. Madison even rolled over (twice) from her belly to her back. I'm afraid I need to get in better shape for when she gets older and takes off on a dead run and I have to go and chase her down. They are all sleeping better and better each week. It took a lot of work but I think we have them all eating on the same schedule and so we only have to get up twice to feed them in the middle of the night. They still have off nights (usually a different one each time) in the night and require a little extra help to go to sleepy land. I think they are finally getting used to and adjusting to home. Madison might be the hardest baby of the three. She really likes to cry but once I can get her in a tight enough swaddle and with her pacifier in, she can usually calm down and go to sleep. Carly, recently, has become a little tougher to get to sleep than Madison plus Carly is not too interested in her pacifier anymore (great) so we also hear a lot of crying from Carly. And when they all get going (crying) it is quite the chorus. I can see why moms go crazy.... Mckenna is such a mild baby. She does cry, but not very much compared to the others and there is usually a reason for it (dirty diaper, a burp, etc.)
We blessed the girls on the 5th of September and I meant to post this then but.... anyway.... They looked so sweet, like little angels in their dresses and they kept clean diapers the whole time. As you can see, Mckenna slept through most of it but the other two were awake the entire time. Kyle gave them beautiful blessings and it was so nice to be able to have that experience of seeing three babies of our own blessed at the same time.
Monday, August 31, 2009
We're getting bigger!
I can't believe how the time is just flying. And yet in the middle of the night it drags on and on! The girls are growing so fast. As of their last weight check (which was almost a week ago last Thursday) Mckenna weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz, Madison 8 lbs. 7 oz., and Carly 8 lbs. 12 oz. They are starting to really get their personalities. From the physical therapist that meets with them, she said that when you have twins there is always a watcher and a mover. There's never two movers or two watchers. And then with triplets there is always a combo as well; either two watchers and one mover or two movers and one watcher. So we predicted that Madison will definitely be the mover, Mckenna will be the watcher and we are still on the fence with Carly. Sometimes I think she will be a watcher and then she surprises me and I think she is a mover. We'll just wait and see. They still mainly eat, sleep and poop right now but they become more aware everyday!
I tried to get a new picture of the girls..... Do you know how ridiculously hard it is to get a good picture of three babies? And for some reason I can never get Madison in a good picture with her sisters. So I took a couple pictures and you can decide which was is the best. And then I gave up and uploaded a video as well. Maybe it was because this was taken right before a meal. From left to right: Madison, Carly, and Mckenna.

I tried to get a new picture of the girls..... Do you know how ridiculously hard it is to get a good picture of three babies? And for some reason I can never get Madison in a good picture with her sisters. So I took a couple pictures and you can decide which was is the best. And then I gave up and uploaded a video as well. Maybe it was because this was taken right before a meal. From left to right: Madison, Carly, and Mckenna.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
First week all home!
Well, we made it through our first week with all the girls. It seems more like four weeks but I'm sure it's just the lack of sleep. The girls are doing so good! They have all gained at least 1 ounce to 2 ounces a day since they have been home. They were weighed last Friday and Mckenna was 6 lbs. 2 oz., Madison was 7 lbs. 5 oz. and Carly was 7 lbs. 11 oz. We are so glad they are doing so well. They definitely do their fair share of crying and don't always sleep for a good consistent time between feeds but it's usually every other day that they are a little naughty. And I guess that is just babies. I don't know, this is my first experience. Here's a few pictures below. The first is trying out tummy time. Madison loves this! Mckenna falls asleep as soon as we put her on her tummy. And Carly does not like it at all. Carly actually likes being on her back more than the others. But we've got to start building up the muscles!
And I had to put a picture of Grandpa and Grandma Pendleton holding the girls. My mom has been staying with us for a few weeks and my dad missed her too much so had to come over for the weekend (and of course to see the grandbabies too).

Also, congrats to Justin and Nicole! They are having their second baby in February, number 6 grandbaby for my parents (all in the past 2 years)!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
13 Weeks Old.... 3 month birthday..... and Home!
I can't believe that we have finally arrived at August 11th! If the girls hadn't been in such a hurry to come then they would have been born today. But I think the experience that Kyle and I went through has made us appreciate them so much more! We love our little girls.
Well, my pictures downloaded out of order but as you can see in the last picture, Carly came home on Friday night! So now we have all three at home! It has been so exciting (no more traveling to the NICU/hospital every day, hooray!) to have all the girls at home and moving on into the next stage of our lives!
But it has been completely nuts. I don't know how many times I've tried to sit down to post a blog and gotten sidetracked by one or more babies crying. We have developed a shift change through the night and that has helped so that we can all (me, Kyle and my mom) get some uninterrupted sleep. I haven't become skilled enough yet at feeding more than one baby at a time (there are still hard to feed in multiples at this age) but I am determined to figure it out. Kyle has had the week off so me and my mom have not been alone enough to have to feed two at once out of necessity. But I'm sure the day is coming since Kyle eventually has to go back to work. Somebody has to make the money since we are currently going through a can of formula a day. I hope that I can even feed three at one time--- but one day at a time for now.
Madison is definitely the noisiest baby. She has quite the set of lungs. I am pretty sure Carly has lungs too since she is so big but I don't know if she has learned how to REALLY let loose and cry and we're hoping she doesn't discover that for awhile. Carly is pretty laid back and just loves to sleep unless her reflux is really getting to her. And Mckenna is so sweet and quiet although I notice she has gained some louder habits from Madison in the past week.
We love our little girls and are trying to enjoy this time even though I sometimes can't remember my name due to sleep deprivation. The best part of being home is I can take pictures whenever I want of them, so here are some of the pictures that we have taken in the past few days. Triplets do make awful cute pictures! I recommend them!
Left to Right: Mckenna, Madison, Carly
Well, my pictures downloaded out of order but as you can see in the last picture, Carly came home on Friday night! So now we have all three at home! It has been so exciting (no more traveling to the NICU/hospital every day, hooray!) to have all the girls at home and moving on into the next stage of our lives!
But it has been completely nuts. I don't know how many times I've tried to sit down to post a blog and gotten sidetracked by one or more babies crying. We have developed a shift change through the night and that has helped so that we can all (me, Kyle and my mom) get some uninterrupted sleep. I haven't become skilled enough yet at feeding more than one baby at a time (there are still hard to feed in multiples at this age) but I am determined to figure it out. Kyle has had the week off so me and my mom have not been alone enough to have to feed two at once out of necessity. But I'm sure the day is coming since Kyle eventually has to go back to work. Somebody has to make the money since we are currently going through a can of formula a day. I hope that I can even feed three at one time--- but one day at a time for now.
Madison is definitely the noisiest baby. She has quite the set of lungs. I am pretty sure Carly has lungs too since she is so big but I don't know if she has learned how to REALLY let loose and cry and we're hoping she doesn't discover that for awhile. Carly is pretty laid back and just loves to sleep unless her reflux is really getting to her. And Mckenna is so sweet and quiet although I notice she has gained some louder habits from Madison in the past week.
We love our little girls and are trying to enjoy this time even though I sometimes can't remember my name due to sleep deprivation. The best part of being home is I can take pictures whenever I want of them, so here are some of the pictures that we have taken in the past few days. Triplets do make awful cute pictures! I recommend them!

Monday, August 3, 2009
12 weeks old!
It's amazing to think that next Tuesday (the 11th) would have been the girls due date. I still sometimes have a hard time believing that they were born three months early and now are getting bigger. It makes sense that they were due next week because they are finally starting to look like real newborns to me now. We just took a scary detour before getting to this point.
Well as you can see from pictures below, Mckenna is also home now! She came home on Saturday night. It really hasn't been too bad so far with the two girls. It helps that my mom is here to take care of half the work. She will stay for a little while to help with all the girls and then my mother in law will come over for a little while after that. I'm a little nervous when that all stops because then I have to handle nights on my own. It's still my biggest fear that they will want to eat at the same time and I won't be able to do it. But the longer I do this I realize they are just going to have to be patient with each other.
So Mckenna is now home and doing great. We are really working at fattening her up right now since she is still sooo skinny (of course her sisters are too but she is definitely the one that needs the most extra fat right now). After starting with Madison home first, Mckenna has been quite a breeze. She is very quiet and sleeps really well. She's a little slow when she eats compared to her sisters but I just have to practice patience with her. Her shunt is doing very well and hopefully will continue that way. She was 5 lbs. 3 oz. when she left NICU on Saturday and she was weighed today and is now 5 lbs. 5 oz. Oh, and she was 18 3/4 inches long so longer than Madison. She's really quite a perfect baby. Sleeps and doesn't cry much.
Mckenna headed for home. Look how little she looks in her car seat.
Dad and Mckenna at the house!
I don't know if you can see it, but this was putting Madison and Mckenna in the crib for the first time and home and they were hilarious; they just stared and stared at each other. So cute!
Madison is still doing so great at home. We might say that so far she might be the high maintenance one. She really not that bad but can be a little noisy and she screams really well when she is hungry! She might have some reflux because she loves to be upright and has a hard time sleeping in her crib or pack n play. Here favorite place to sleep is on Mom and Dad's chest... of course. She hasn't been weighed in a week so we aren't sure how much she has gained yet but they will weigh her on Thursday. I think she has to for sure be over 6 lbs. by now. Anyway, I think she is loving having her sister home!
Well as you can see from pictures below, Mckenna is also home now! She came home on Saturday night. It really hasn't been too bad so far with the two girls. It helps that my mom is here to take care of half the work. She will stay for a little while to help with all the girls and then my mother in law will come over for a little while after that. I'm a little nervous when that all stops because then I have to handle nights on my own. It's still my biggest fear that they will want to eat at the same time and I won't be able to do it. But the longer I do this I realize they are just going to have to be patient with each other.
So Mckenna is now home and doing great. We are really working at fattening her up right now since she is still sooo skinny (of course her sisters are too but she is definitely the one that needs the most extra fat right now). After starting with Madison home first, Mckenna has been quite a breeze. She is very quiet and sleeps really well. She's a little slow when she eats compared to her sisters but I just have to practice patience with her. Her shunt is doing very well and hopefully will continue that way. She was 5 lbs. 3 oz. when she left NICU on Saturday and she was weighed today and is now 5 lbs. 5 oz. Oh, and she was 18 3/4 inches long so longer than Madison. She's really quite a perfect baby. Sleeps and doesn't cry much.

Madison is still doing so great at home. We might say that so far she might be the high maintenance one. She really not that bad but can be a little noisy and she screams really well when she is hungry! She might have some reflux because she loves to be upright and has a hard time sleeping in her crib or pack n play. Here favorite place to sleep is on Mom and Dad's chest... of course. She hasn't been weighed in a week so we aren't sure how much she has gained yet but they will weigh her on Thursday. I think she has to for sure be over 6 lbs. by now. Anyway, I think she is loving having her sister home!
Carly is still coming along well. Each day she gets better and better at eating in a more coordinated manner. She doesn't suck and stop breathing as bad. I think one of the main reasons is because they have her on a thickener to keep the formula more weighted and then they also put her on Zantac (weird, I never thought of it for babies) and maybe changing to Prilosec when she goes home. It just helps keep things settled in the stomach. But hopefully she will keep doing well and maybe she will join the other two in the next week or week and a half. She is still growing at a ridiculous rate. She is 6 lbs. 11 oz. right now! Almost 7 lbs.! That's the size of a normal baby! Anyway, I don't think she is missing her sisters yet because she is an excellent sleeper. Maybe that's why she gains so well. Since her sisters have left Carly she now has a roommate like she did when she first started in the NICU. It's a little boy right now who is very very sick. He was born at 23 weeks and it's a miracle he is still alive. It just makes me realize how grateful we are that we were blessed with such healthy girls for being so early. We are truly grateful for these girls and how well they are doing!
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