Monday, October 24, 2011

Heads Will Roll!!

So I am in a book club with some friends and I hosted October's get together.  I chose Legend of Sleepy Hollow as our book to read (I know 50 pages, very ambitious book there Sunny) and since it was such a quick read, I decided to spookify up the house with some Sleepy Hollow atmosphere!  I took some pics to show.  I wish that the pictures were better to show how great it looked.  I even forgot to take a picture when the table was decked out with food and all the 20 candles a lit up!  I really need camera lessons, I'm a waste of my camera's abilities.  I created most of my decor from thrift store finds and some craft creations.  It was a lot of fun and maybe we will have to make it a tradition each year!
The Spooky Hosts

Fall set up....

to Sleepy Hollow set up with silver platters and headless horseman galore!

Lots of spooky black branches throughout the house...

And I took two old pictures (the befores were scary naked babies) and painted some spooky trees!

I know, Poe and Sleepy Hollow are separate books, but at least I stayed in the literary land

And, of course, I had to have Ichabod's head!
Happy Halloween to all!  This week I am finishing up the girls costumes for the big night!

On another note:  My parents came into town the beginning of this month and we took the girls to the pumpkin patch for the first time!  They LOVED it!  I got a couple pics getting on the wagon and such and then....

Oh the joy of discovering straw bales!
....I didn't get a picture after these two!  Hello!  Where was I?  I guess I just got too wrapped up in chasing down three 2 year olds all over the patch.  We found three little mini pumpkins all on the same vine (just like triplet pumpkins!) so it was easy to get their pumpkins picked.  And then I wandered a little off the road and I found this fantastic pumpkin... and then another, and then another and then another... and next thing I knew I had bought $19 of pumpkins!  Whoa, out of control with the pumpkins!  I will have to keep myself more at bay next year...  So I don't have a pic of the girls picking them but here they all are in their glory.  Next year I think we will have to make sure to not miss taking the girls again...


  1. Loved it! I'm getting all excited for the Christmas party and what we're or should I say you are going to help me come up with:)

  2. Sunny, it all looks amazing! Seriously I am exhausted looking at all of it! Wow. Nice work!!

  3. It was amazing! If you can believe it... It looked even more amazing in person!!!! Cute pics of the girls btw. And who woulda thought, triplet pumpkins ;) So perfect!
