Here are some of the pieces that my mom and I refinished in June in her house. We counted that we painted over 20 pieces of furniture and accessories. And if you think I was sick of painting after all that (it took a good 3 1/2 weeks to finish it all) I came back to Boise and painted a desk of mine and some garden signs (more pictures of that in another post). I'm officially addicted. We used this great paint called Annie Sloan Chalk paint. So nice and requires no sanding or priming. It's really lovely stuff to work with and doesn't take as much work to get the pieces looking aged and antiqued. I could only find one before picture of some of the furniture (this is the before dining table and picture on the wall) so you will just have to imagine a lot of dark wood getting painted.

Corner hutch (she had two and the other one looks just like this in another room) we painted a pretty blue:

Family room tables painted gray to bring out the gray fireplace.

Light cream tables in the front living room.

Here's the family room. We also made new pillows and curtains in this room.

My sil also had an old antique dressing she needed painted to we also painted this for her. It is going in her little girl's room with cute pink knobs.

This is the fabric for the curtains in the front living room we made. Isn't it gorgeous? I could sit and stare at this print all day. Sorry, pictures don't always do it justice ya know...

Front room, new curtains and pillows as well.

The blue corner hutch again, the picture frame was also painted in a little green and the dining room table as well as reupholstered all the eight chairs. The chairs were by far the biggest bear to get done (eight of them-two not shown). Lots of nooks and crannies and too many sides on those things. We also painted my mom's barstools and reupholstered them as well but I don't have a picture of them.

And if furniture wasn't enough, we also painted this pitcher.

Plate and pot base.

Even the owl who the call Octavius.

There were a few other knick knacks we painted (I even painted candles-who knew?) but I didn't bother to take pictures. All and all it was A LOT of work but so rewarding in the end because my parents both LOVE the new look.
That's amazing Sunny! Seriously, WOW! Can you teach me? How do you figure out what you like and then make the room like that? I need lessons.