Just like every summer, time flies. The girls and I have been in Wyoming for the past month and a half getting a chance to play with Grandma's and Grandpa. It was all new experiences and my parents have a huge yard they can just run forever in so they loved every moment. I helped my mom with some home projects (lots and lots of furniture painting). I will show pictures of our work eventually but I haven't gotten them uploaded yet. So the girls got a chance to go on four wheeler rides....

Madison has learned how to crawl out of bed (since the week before Memorial Day) and boy is it exhausting. They have all crawled out of their cribs once each in the last 4-5 months but I just considered it all flukes. This time it's consistently every nap and nighttime. Madison gets her sisters all amped up about it too and they cheer her on in her freedom! So they have really been delaying falling asleep lately but I figure if they are tired enough, they will sleep I guess. Just in the last week or so Carly has also learned how to climb out but Carly is much easier to discipline and get back in her bed and she won't try it as often as Maddy. I have to say I am more impressed with Carly hefting herself out of the crib. It's pretty impressive in general how much kids can climb like little monkeys but Carly is 30 lbs of straight lead so it can't be easy to lift herself out whereas Maddy is as light as a feather.
So most of the time, they are pretty quiet and I don't always know when Maddy is out of bed. I will check in before bed and put her back in her bed if she is on the floor but sometimes she decides to curl up in the oddest positions or locations. This is one of the pieces we painted while I was in Wyoming and she loves this cabinet. Always sticking her stuffed animals in it. Well, one day she decided to fall asleep in there. Sleeping like that would have broken my back so it's a good thing kids seem to be made of rubber.
Kenz loved playing with the balls outside on the grass, she couldn't get enough of them, here she is offering her beach ball to me...
Maddy loved Grandma's little metal bunny she has on her front porch and she would sit and pet it and give it kisses. So sweet...
And these are the best pictures I can get of Carly. Every time I pull out the camera she is running in the opposite direction. Carly LOVES outside, and gets very upset when it's time to go back inside. She never stops moving the entire time we are outside. They really aren't the easiest to capture in photos right now with all of the movement.
So we had a great time in Wyoming, I painted a lot (like over 20 pieces of furniture) and I was tired after it all but I really love to paint so that helped me stay focused, plus I love accomplishing big projects. I have started painting a desk here that my parents gave me that they don't need anymore so I will have to get pictures up of that. We'll be heading back over in a few weeks to Wyoming for a family reunion and I am excited for the girls to see all the Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and extended Aunt, Uncle, cousins!