We stayed at my parents house and the girls spent about 98% of the time... up and down the stairs... they loved them! They don't have them at home so it was a new experience and they were pretty good at maneuvering them by the end of the trip. Maddy below...

They loved the presents this year...not what was inside, just the shiny boxes, bows and the boxes themselves.

I always forget how much colder home is than Boise... quite frigid, but beautiful with the snow on the branches on Christmas morning... (and that dot is the moon which I thought was cool)

Christmas morning before opening presents....

My parents with all of their granddaughters (no grandsons... and another granddaughter on the way with my brother and sil)... Gma and Gpa gave them matching pajamas for Christmas...

We decided to take a picture as well...

And speaking of pictures... we got both family pictures taken with Kyle's family....

...and then with my family....the girls were really good for all... especially feeling under the weather...

The girls are growing so fast and are looking like toddlers more and more each day and less like little chubby babies....


and Carly...

Also, I made half of the gifts we gave for Christmas this year... very fun but very stressful... It was kind of fun to know that I had actually made something for others. It made me feel old-fashioned and I loved it! But I did forget to take pictures of them all for some reason but I have been crafting a lot lately (some done while we were in Wyoming and some here in Boise). I find that when my life is most chaotic (right now) I tend to do more crafts than at less stressful times. Not sure why I am psycho like that, maybe it just gives me a release for the stress of life or something.
While we were in Wyoming all the girls made a craft together... yarn wreaths! They did take quite a long time but we all worked at a team and aren't they cute? We sure thought so, everytime we finished one we would compliment on how amazing we were at creating it (quite silly)... but I guess if no one else will compliment us, we have to compliment ourselves right? Notice that I am holding my mothers wreath and she mine because I was being a brat and thought mine was looking awful. How stupid it sounds now.... we worked a little more on mine and now I love it but thanks to my mom for not being so vain that she had to hold a finished wreath and not her own... good grief....

Here it is on my door.... the flowers are made out of felt and I might have found my new favorite fabric with felt... it's lovely stuff....

It's a Valentine's Wreath but I think it could work for other times of the year...

I also had leftover supplies so I made another one...

and another one! Oh, and I am making two more; one for me and one for my mom for Easter... I'm a little out of control with the yarn wreaths right now....


and Carly...

Also, I made half of the gifts we gave for Christmas this year... very fun but very stressful... It was kind of fun to know that I had actually made something for others. It made me feel old-fashioned and I loved it! But I did forget to take pictures of them all for some reason but I have been crafting a lot lately (some done while we were in Wyoming and some here in Boise). I find that when my life is most chaotic (right now) I tend to do more crafts than at less stressful times. Not sure why I am psycho like that, maybe it just gives me a release for the stress of life or something.
But somethings I made are...
Camera strap....

While we were in Wyoming all the girls made a craft together... yarn wreaths! They did take quite a long time but we all worked at a team and aren't they cute? We sure thought so, everytime we finished one we would compliment on how amazing we were at creating it (quite silly)... but I guess if no one else will compliment us, we have to compliment ourselves right? Notice that I am holding my mothers wreath and she mine because I was being a brat and thought mine was looking awful. How stupid it sounds now.... we worked a little more on mine and now I love it but thanks to my mom for not being so vain that she had to hold a finished wreath and not her own... good grief....

Here it is on my door.... the flowers are made out of felt and I might have found my new favorite fabric with felt... it's lovely stuff....

It's a Valentine's Wreath but I think it could work for other times of the year...

I also had leftover supplies so I made another one...

and another one! Oh, and I am making two more; one for me and one for my mom for Easter... I'm a little out of control with the yarn wreaths right now....
And then lastly, I found this amazing bed and nightstands for sale at a consignment store in town a few weeks ago and I wanted it bad! Kyle is so good to me and agreed that it would be nice to upgrade to a king bed (in a queen now) so we got it and a new mattress and I tell ya, I feel like a dang queen in that bed. We love it but I do admit it feels like acres of space compared to a queen. I think Kyle likes it that way but it's still an adjustment for me to have so much space. But it does go nicely with my bedroom and gives us a great oasis from the girls when we need it! Hopefully next time I post it will be sooner and less hectic than this.