The only new information is that Carly went to see the hematologist. I really had no idea what I was talking about in the last post. I had said that arterial venous malformation and hemangiomas were the same thing. Completely two different things.... They are still doing studies; I guess Carly's kind of a stumper. She has symptoms of both the arterial venous malformation (AVM) and a hemangioma depending on the test they are doing. They know it's probably one or the other so they have sent information (MRI, etc) to a specialty clinic to see what they recommend. If it's an AVM (enlarged blood vessels the size of an adult in a small baby) then they would surgically go in and remove blood vessels and somehow trace a new blood flow into smaller vessels. I still don't understand all implied with this route. If it's a hemangioma, they will treat it with steroids and it should shrink. So, once again, we are waiting. We are also putting off going to the dermatologist in SLC until sometime in the spring (or until the get the underlying stuff in her arm taken care of). Thank you to those offering a place to stay! But she is doing great and is quite the little charmer. She loves smiling at everyone, including strangers. Very friendly little girl.
Nothing else really new with the others. Madison has mellowed out a bit since her wild newborn days. She does still have ridiculous, exhausting amounts of energy but I think she is finally learning how to self soothe like the others are doing. And Mckenna is still as sweet as can be. Although she is finally starting to get a little louder in her crying and demands. I think it's good, they will probably all be loud to be heard above each other. They are still eating and sleeping about the same. Unfortunately still going through a ridiculous amount of diapers (25-30 a day) but that's the life of triplets I guess! Kyle and I figure and some day we will be able to sleep through the night, maybe in 18 years! Enjoy the pictures!
Here's the two best of the pictures we took. These girls are exhausting when it comes to picture taking....