I can't believe that we have finally arrived at August 11th! If the girls hadn't been in such a hurry to come then they would have been born today. But I think the experience that Kyle and I went through has made us appreciate them so much more! We love our little girls.
Well, my pictures downloaded out of order but as you can see in the last picture, Carly came home on Friday night! So now we have all three at home! It has been so exciting (no more traveling to the NICU/hospital every day, hooray!) to have all the girls at home and moving on into the next stage of our lives!
But it has been completely nuts. I don't know how many times I've tried to sit down to post a blog and gotten sidetracked by one or more babies crying. We have developed a shift change through the night and that has helped so that we can all (me, Kyle and my mom) get some uninterrupted sleep. I haven't become skilled enough yet at feeding more than one baby at a time (there are still hard to feed in multiples at this age) but I am determined to figure it out. Kyle has had the week off so me and my mom have not been alone enough to have to feed two at once out of necessity. But I'm sure the day is coming since Kyle eventually has to go back to work. Somebody has to make the money since we are currently going through a can of formula a day. I hope that I can even feed three at one time--- but one day at a time for now.
Madison is definitely the noisiest baby. She has quite the set of lungs. I am pretty sure Carly has lungs too since she is so big but I don't know if she has learned how to REALLY let loose and cry and we're hoping she doesn't discover that for awhile. Carly is pretty laid back and just loves to sleep unless her reflux is really getting to her. And Mckenna is so sweet and quiet although I notice she has gained some louder habits from Madison in the past week.
We love our little girls and are trying to enjoy this time even though I sometimes can't remember my name due to sleep deprivation. The best part of being home is I can take pictures whenever I want of them, so here are some of the pictures that we have taken in the past few days. Triplets do make awful cute pictures! I recommend them!

Left to Right: Mckenna, Madison, Carly

Left to Right: Mckenna, Madison, Carly

Left to Right: Madison, Mckenna, Carly (Madison once again always makes the pictures exciting)

The sleep deprived parents (actually this was the first night home for Carly so we were pretty alert at this point---- and even fixed our hair!)

Carly coming home!